

Shock wave therapy (SWT) is a non-invasive outpatient therapy used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal injuries. The procedure involves sending high-intensity ultrasound waves to damaged muscles, tendons, fascia and other tissues. This form of micro-trauma allows the body to reduce pain and regenerate blood vessels by forming new healthy blood cells. The resulting re-vascularization helps decrease the amount of scar tissue and reduce pain while enabling improved mobility and function. This leads to faster recovery and a return to previous physical activity.

What conditions

treated/improved with shock wave therapy?

Shock wave therapy was originally introduced as a way to break up kidney stones without direct contact. It then evolved to treat non-healing bone by activating osteoblasts. Today it treats a wide range of medical conditions, including but not limited to: Plantar Fasciitis Achilles Tendinopathy Jumper's Knee (Patellar Tendinitis) Tendinopathy Treatment Hamstring Muscle Injuries Myofascial Trigger Points; tissue Calcific rotator cuff tendinitis Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) Broken bones that have failed to heal (non-union) Shoulder pain Tennis elbow Heel spurs Shin splints Stress fracture Improving bone healing Muscle and connective tissue injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does shock wave therapy work?

Shock wave therapy accelerates the healing process in the body by stimulating metabolism and improving blood circulation to regenerate damaged tissues. Strong pulses of energy are applied to the affected area for short periods of time, creating micro-cavitational bubbles that expand and burst. The force created by these bubbles stimulates cells in the body that are responsible for healing bones and connective tissue. In many cases, shock wave therapy is most effective in cases where the human body has not been able to heal itself.

Does the treatment hurt?

The sound waves will be felt, but our therapists are trained to gradually increase the intensity as your body adjusts.

How many treatments will I need?

After completing your assessment, your therapist can advise you on whether shock wave therapy is appropriate for your injury. 2-3 treatments are often advised, each treatment 1 week apart.

Will I feel pain after my treatment?

Yes, you may feel increased pain after treatment for 48 – 72 hours, but this should subside. Please refrain from creaming after treatment. You can use heat to increase blood flow to the area.

Are there restrictions after treatment?

You can perform light aerobic activity and stretching, but you should refrain from heavy weight training or explosive type exercises.

Is shock wave therapy covered by OHIP or my insurance?

Shock wave therapy is not covered by OHIP, but it may be covered by your extended health insurance plan. Please check your individual plans for more details. The Sports Medicine Clinic will provide you with a receipt to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Please note that at the Sports Medicine Clinic, there is an additional charge for each wireless therapy treatment.

Do I need a referral to receive shock wave therapy at the Sports Medicine Clinic?

No referral is necessary for shock wave therapy to be part of your treatment plan. After completing your assessment, your therapist can advise you on whether shock wave therapy is appropriate for your injury.

Is "Sports Medicine" Wellness Albania accepting new patients for shock wave therapy?

Yes! Please call +355.694035501 or send us Email today to book your appointment.