
mental health

Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of mental illnesses, abnormal behaviors, emotional disturbances.
The psychiatrist clinically evaluates the patient by studying biological neurological and biochemical abnormalities, then makes the diagnosis and finally determines the appropriate treatment for him.
Some of the disorders that are treated in the psychiatry department are:

Personality disorders

Somatoform disorders

Hypochondritis, body dysmorphic disorder, conversion disorder, etc

Obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress


Psychiatric syndromes



In life there are some truths that we often hesitate, as we are afraid to tell ourselves out loud. Seeking therapy can be a difficult and stressful decision that requires a lot of personal strength and courage. Its purpose is to create a therapeutic environment for patients to feel comfortable and safe. Working with patients consists of addressing their specific needs and identified goals. Each patient's personal journey is unique, therefore our approach is direct to suit the specific needs of each individual. The therapeutic style is direct and supportive. The goal is to help patients in personal development and increased happiness. For this we offer:

Psychological Assessments

Psychological diagnosis

Treatment of drug addiction, alcohol

Individual Psychological Consultation

Individual therapy, adolescents and adults