
What is a sports medicine doctor?

A sports medicine doctor is a medical professional specializing in physiatry. This category of physicians is dedicated to improving the performance and well-being of athletes and other individuals by encouraging physical activity, promoting healthy lifestyles, and preventing injuries and illnesses related to sports and other physical activities.

They specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and management of sports injuries, as well as their prevention. Sports medicine doctors have in-depth knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the body, as well as the sciences of nutrition and sports performance. They are capable of providing personalized and specialized medical care for the needs of individuals of all levels of physical activity, including amateur and professional athletes, as well as individuals seeking to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

Acute injuries or overloads: sprains, strains, fractures, tendonitis.

Chronic musculoskeletal injuries: Chronic muscle injuries, osteoarthritis, etc.

Contusions and their management.

Treatment of injuries to the body that occur from a sudden impact or load, including muscle and tendon strains and sprains.

Evaluation of an athlete's return to play following an injury or illness, including assessment of physical health and performance, as well as rebuilding strength and skill.

After making a diagnosis, we will recommend a treatment plan. This may include:

  • Physical rehabilitation, including physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage therapy, and osteopathy.
  • Using medications to manage symptoms.
  • Immobilization or the use of Kinesio Tape to hold or support the affected area.
  • Advice on exercise and to improve performance.
  • Corticosteroid (cortisone) injections to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Injections of hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronate, can be effective for treating mild to moderate osteoarthritis and provide partial pain relief for 6 to 12 months in about 80% of cases.

What Do We Treat?

The role of a sports physician includes the diagnosis and management of acute or chronic musculoskeletal injuries and diseases that affect physical performance and lifestyle. The most common pathologies may include:

Athletic Therapy

Therapists assess injuries using a variety of techniques, modalities, mobilization and recovery.

Massage Therapy

It improves joint function, improves circulation, increases metabolism and promotes the overall healing process.


Restores normal function and promotes neurobiomechanical harmony of joints with limited movement.


Assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries through biomechanical analysis and objective testing.


Primary health care combines the latest scientific knowledge and modern diagnostic techniques with traditional methods.

Orthotics / Pedortics

Custom devices used to address specific imbalances in your feet, with the goal of reducing pain and improving your gait.

Custom Holders

Custom braces designed for you to enhance the healing process and provide support for your damaged joints.