Ozone therapy1-

Ozone therapy

Oxygen therapy or otherwise OZONOTHERAPY is based on the injection of oxygen converted into the three-atomic form O3, without the risk of embolism or other damage since oxygen is the main element for the body and our metabolism to function.
Ozone therapy is applied by the doctor in outpatient conditions
Some of the pathologies that are treated with ozone therapy are:

Disc herniation and chronic or acute disc pathologies

Pathologies of the cervical column/
thoracic/lumbar and chronic neuropathic pain

Chronic intestinal inflammatory pathologies

Chronic pathologies from bacteria or mold (candida, sinusitis, etc.)

Acute and chronic bone-articular pathologies (shoulder, ankle, knee, shoulder)

Dementia of different degrees and its complications

Neurological Degenerative Diseases (DM)

Venous insufficiency of the lower limbs and diabetic foot

Chronic pathologies from bacteria or mold (candida, sinusitis, etc.)

Types of Ozone Therapy

Ozonotherapy is applied in different ways, with different concentrations of gas (oxygen), with different amounts, which all lead us to different and positive biological effects.

Local ozone therapy

(intramuscular, interdiscal, intraarticular, subcutaneous)

Systemic ozone therapy

(through blood oxygenation, direct rectal injection)

Aesthetic ozone therapy

Branches of medicine

Side effects; momentary local burning sensation, transient hypotension and effects related to the local injection technique.
Branches of medicine where OZONOTHERAPY has an effect and treats various pathologies:
1) Internal Medicine
2) Orthopedics
3) Rheumatology
4) Angiology
5) Immunology
6) Urology
7) Neurology
8) Dermatology
9) Gynecology
10) ENT
11) Dentistry
12) Oncology
13) Aesthetic medicine
14) Cardiology
15) Pneumology
16) Surgery
17) Geriatrics