

Intravenous vitamin therapy is a method of injecting concentrated materials and substances into the body through a venous route. It is often used to ensure good hydration, the necessary concentration of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants directly in the body for optimal functioning of the body. Its uses and benefits are now widespread and well-known throughout the world.

It can help increase energy levels, reduce inflammation, improve athletic performance and speed recovery, boost immunity, increase hydration, improve the ability to eliminate toxins, aid weight loss efforts, and even improve appearance. of the skin through hydration and collagen production.

IV therapy allows nutrients to bypass the digestive system, resulting in a 90-100% absorption rate versus a 20-50% absorption rate when vitamins are taken orally. Administering IV therapy safely and effectively requires the supervision of a specialist in the field, who are generally trained in the field of functional medicine, antiaging and integrative medicine, who will carefully monitor your health situation and personalize your treatment to based on the needs you have.

Vitamin infusions should also be customized to the patient's health needs based on recent lab results. While many IV therapy protocols help address nutritional deficiencies in patients, they can also often be prescribed as a complement to aesthetic and hormone balancing programs.


Fatty liver: Prevents damage to liver cells or fatty liver mainly in people who use alcohol, but not only.

One of the most important indicators of fatty liver is glutathione deficiency.


REDUCES OXIDATIVE STRESS: The increase of harmful free radicals and the decrease of antioxidants to fight them, are the harbingers of severe chronic and difficult diseases (cancer, diabetes, rheumatic diseases). When glutathione is taken, these diseases regress. Good effect can be achieved in unstable diabetes with very high level of high blood sugar. It has been shown that chronic inflammation caused by oxidative stress, especially in autoimmune diseases that are difficult to control (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and celiac disease), is reduced by glutathione therapy, and this is done by strengthening the mechanisms that support immunity. It contributes by eliminating free radicals, which attack mitochondria in cells.


CONTROL OF INSULIN RESISTANCE: Decreased glutathione production, especially in the elderly, causes an increase in insulin resistance and reduces fat burning. Injecting glutathione iv reverses this cycle, breaking insulin resistance and preventing the accumulation of excess body fat.


PATHOLOGY OF PERIPHERAL ARTERIES: After treatment with glutathione, the leg pain is reduced and the walking distance is extended, which are mainly due to narrowing of the leg veins.


PARKINSON'S DISEASE: it is now known that glutathione has benefits in the muscle stiffness and tremors that this disease causes.


DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Glutathione therapy plays an important role in reducing inflammation.


HEALTH OF ATHLETES : Increases body energy, provides muscle strengthening and quick recovery after a race or intense training.

Combining it with ozone therapy gives a synergistic effect increasing the benefits, but it should not be done on the same day.



-Helps in the production of collagen and the rapid healing of wounds and scars

-Strengthens the immune system

- Contributes to the reduction of chronic fatigue

-Eliminates the negative effects of acute and chronic stress on the body

-Plays an active role together with NAD in the treatment of alcoholism and other addictions


-Repairs mitochondria.

-Promotes the Anti-aging process.

- Increases energy.

- Improves cognitive ability.



-They are coenzymes of many of the enzymatic reactions and metabolic processes of the organism.

-B vitamins are important in bone development and blood cell production.

-Plays an active role in the treatment of muscle weakness, muscle contractures and sleep disorders.

-Protect the brain and nerve cells.

- Contributes to the reduction of fatigue and psycho-motor exhaustion.

MYER's Cocktail


- Increases energy level.

- Increases immunity.



-Improves health in general.

- Promotes detoxification of the body.

-Reduces the level of stress.

-Reduces the level of inflammation.

-Reduces anxiety and depression.

-Used after alcohol abuse.



-Helps in the treatment of sexual disorders in men and women

-Increases the level of nitric oxide in the body

-Supports the formation and growth of muscle mass

-It is effective when used together with B-Complex in the treatment of fatigue and weakness.

-In addition to the rapid increase in muscle mass, it also relieves muscle pain.


- Balances the appetite.

-L carnitine breaks down long and medium chain fatty acids and allows them to enter the mitochondria, thus supporting fat burning.

-Helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

-Plays an active role in cleaning the organs.

- It supports weight loss and increases fat burning by speeding up metabolism.

BEAUTY Cocktail

- Activates the skin's defense mechanism against free radicals.

- Increases skin elasticity.

- It supports the formation of collagen thanks to the amino acids it contains.

-Reduces the effects of the sun's harmful rays and the negative effects on the skin caused by smoking.

-Use before or after facial mesotherapy sessions increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

- Increases the effectiveness of facial mesotherapy treatments by increasing the level of amino acids in the blood.

-Supports firmness and softness of the skin.

-Increases the moisturizing capacity of the skin.

HSN Cocktail


-It is important in the synthesis of fatty acids and plays an active role in the oxidation of propionates.

-Prevents hair loss and supports hair growth.

-Improves the quality of hair and nails.

- Plays an active role in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema.

- It nourishes hair follicles after application in hair transplant treatments and prevents loss of transplanted hair.